Friday, November 30, 2007

Goodbye to a SL media figurehead

As I mentioned at, I found out late last night that's Marvel Ousley had resigned from her position as Editorial Director of the Second Life News Network (SLNN).

I first met Marvel in February or March (not sure which) when she visited a sculpture-building competition which I had sponsored.

We struck a friendship that has lasted through my IPO at AVIX, through the original Sal Ackland accusations, through all the summer's financial drama, JTF's buyout of AVIX, Investor Allen's admissions and subsequent exit from SL, and beyond to this day.

What I can say about Marvel is she committed herself to something that so many SL news professionals (including me) and bloggers don't bother to worry about - AP Style journalism.

Through Marvel's tenure, SLNN prided itself in bringing Second Life something it had not seen before... real-world quality news coverage.

Second Life is like any online community. Bloggers devote time to talking about the platform but we rarely see any true journalists here. Marvel was the exception. I won't get into my opinionated view of Second Life journalism, but I will say that Marvel will be missed here in our community.

Marvel Ousley has been a friend to SL Reports and JT Financial for quite some time, and on behalf of both organizations I wish her well in all her future endeavors... RL and SL, both.

Xavier Mohr

