Monday, November 19, 2007


From time to time we all need to take a break from the financial markets, and I have to pass along the SLURL of one of the coolest islands I've happened to visit: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) island.

If you live in the United States, one thing probably jumps out at you when you hear the NOAA: hurricanes. These are the crazy guys who fly planes straight into hurricanes to measure their strength. However, on this island, you'll find a lot of very cool interactive exhibits to try out and you might even learn something.

Give it a click and poke around. My favorite exhibit is the tsunami exhibit, which I recommend going through at least twice - once just to see it, and once to explore it. The picture is of the live weather reporting exhibit, which through some miracle of scripting displays, with little cloud prims, live weather data from across the United States.

Happy exploring!

