Thursday, December 13, 2007

To SLEC or not to SLEC

Chances are good you know what the SLEC (Second Life Exchange Commission) is. I'm not linking to their website since they don't appear to have one at the moment, with the domain they used up to a while ago featuring a "parking page".

TraderJohn Susa, current SLEC president was kind enough to invite me to the December 12 SLEC open meeting. I was not impressed. The most noticeable thing was this statement from IntLibber Brautigan:

[18:05] IntLibber Brautigan: exchanges that refuse to be controlled
should be openly publicised as refusing to behave by accepted
practices, so as to inform the investor about the risks of doing
business there

So, according to Brautigan, if you are not blessed by the SLEC then you're automatically not reliable, or questionable. As far as I know, the SLEC has not a God given right to rule the SL financial world and tell who's good and who's bad, nor it's written anywhere that it has to be the only regulatory body.

I could go for miles here, but there's so much time I can lose in a day and my quota has been met already.

Cadence Juran, one of the few voices at that meeting, raised some valid points:

[18:29] Cadence Juran: what I am refering to
[18:29] Cadence Juran: is NO member of the SLEC shoudl ever come across as THE single voice

[18:29] Cadence Juran: or no member of the SLEC should ever engage in public spats

[18:30] Cadence Juran: its about always maintaing an appearance of objectivity

Apparently nobody bought into her theories. If you ask me, who spoke against them did not even understand what she meant. At this point, who where the protagonists?

The list is pretty short: TraderJohn Susa and the "Brautigan bunch". Cadence Juran, Nobody Fugazi later, did not change my impression of an overall boring meeting, where a group was following its own agenda.

At the end, I was asked if VSTEX was going to join the SLEC:

[20:17] IntLibber Brautigan: Samantha are you considering joining SLEC ?

[20:17] You: No.

[20:17] Cliff Eclipse: hahahhaha

[20:17] Cliff Eclipse: Sorry
[20:17] Cliff Eclipse: Can I ask why?
[20:18] You: Yes, you can. But at this point we're not gonna comment on this.

When I was asked that question it was past 05.00AM where I live in RL; many times I stated in public my opinions about the SLEC and that meeting did nothing to change them.

I passed the whole meeting transcript to Guardian Market. Maybe he'll find something interesting there.

That's all folks, I know this blog post is not something special and somehow messy, anyway I wanted to share my feelings with you.

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Guardian Market said...

Thanks for the transcript, Samantha - I'll be sure to look through it tonight when I have some free time.
