Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Well, the secret's out and nobody cares...

So, I must first apologize for my extended absence. The fact of the matter is that my partner of almost 6 years was hospitalized with a drug allergy and staph infection this last week and, as Guardian Market likes to say... "RL > SL."

Last night I got an interesting call on my RL cell phone. I was in front of the television watching "Tin Man" on the Sci-Fi Channel.

I did not pick up (I screen my calls), but I found it interesting that it was a Dallas, Texas telephone number. I only know one person in Dallas.......

I knew it had to be serious if it really was him... considering he could not wait for me to come online. I immediately rushed to my office and logged in to Gmail. BOOM! Gtalk message from Arbitrage Wise... "Xavier!"

It was him that called... we had a situation. Well, he thought so anyways.

For the record, I have known about for a while. It was a secret shared to me in confidence. I really saw no problem with it, and was happy to know there was in fact a real-world outlet for JT Financial, and that the interest our depositors were earning was actually backed by profit... it wasn't just unreasonable numbers in a MySQL database as I suspect is the case with a few banks.

I was not the only person that knew... by any means. I had talked privately with others that mentioned JT to me first. Some had a problem with it, most didn't. I was never a fan of this being a "secret," but as we now see there was no real reason for anyone to be concerned.

In any event, as Arb and I continued talking in Gmail he forwarded a release to me... it was a disclosure about Juice Trading and Sports Arbitrage. I formatted it, added a rough title, and put it up on SLR. We sent out group notices and proceeded to "spill the beans."

I still hadn't really read it... I had totally skipped over the failed blackmail attempt. I have a few problems with that - to say the least.

But the bottom line is that the first 24 hours in any crisis are really the most critical. JT Financial has not had a bank run, has not received any negative comments that I know of, and the CapEx forums don't seem to be buzzing about Juice Trading as I thought they would be.

Isegrim Nikolaidis is the only person to start a thread so far about Juice Trading, and it is more of a parody about the failed blackmail than anything else.

It's nice to see that nobody really cares. If nothing else, I see where Arbitrage Associates, LLC has garnered a ton of exposure with this forced disclosure, and JT depositors now know that there is at least some real-world credibility to the interest that they are being paid.

My prediction is that in a week this entire situation is forgotten and newbies continue to ask JTF staff, "How do you pay interest?" Only difference is that now they can provide an accurate answer without the fear of disclosing a company secret. :)

We'll see.

Xavier Mohr

